Where can I purchase touch-up paint for my Ford?
To purchase touch-up paint, visit Ford Parts website and enter the touch-up paint part number for your vehicle.
Finding the Touch-up Paint Part Number
To obtain the touch-up paint part number:
Find your vehicle's paint code located on your vehicle's door jamb label. The exterior paint code will be labeled as EXT PNT followed by two characters.
- Access the FCSD Chemicals and Lubricants Quick Reference Charts.
- Scroll down until you see the TOUCH-UP PAINT heading.
Select the PDF icon
to the left of "Motorcraft® Lacquer Touch-up Paints Cross-Reference Chart."
- Once downloaded, open the PDF.
- Search by the 2-digit paint code for the color name and Motorcraft Service part number.
Ordering Touch-up Paint
To order paint once you have the part number:
- Visit the Ford Parts website.
- Select Keyword/Part#.

- Enter the touch-up paint part number.
- Select Search Catalog and select a dealer to view prices and availability.
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